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Hans-Peter Lenhof

There is limited knowledge on the in vivo behavior of amplified regions in human tumors. First evidence indicates that amplicon structures are largely maintained in recurrent tumors. Here, we investigated the fate of amplified regions in several independent cases of recurrent glioblastoma and the possible association of 12q13–21 amplifications and survival. We analyzed 12q13–21 amplicon numbers and sizes in glioblastoma and their recurrences by array-CGH. The majority of the 12q13–21 amplicons found in the original tumor are lost in the subsequent recurrence.
BACKGROUND: Blood-born miRNA signatures have recently been reported for various tumor diseases. Here, we compared themiRNA signature in Wilms tumor patients prior and after preoperative chemotherapy according to SIOPprotocol 2001. RESULTS: We did not find a significant difference between miRNA signature of both groups. However both, Wilmstumor patients prior and after chemotherapy showed a miRNA signature different from healthy controls.
